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主演:Billy Crystal Danny DeVito Kim Greist 

剧情:电影《谋害老妈》讲述了  Novelist Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) struggles with writer's block due to his resentment towards his ex-wife Margaret (Kate Mulgrew), who stole his book and garnered mainstream success and critical acclaim with it. Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) is a timid, middle-aged man who still lives with his overbearing, abusive mother (Anne Ramsey). Owen fantasizes of killing his mother but can't summon the courage to bring his desires into fruition. As a student in Larry's community college writing class, Owen is given advice by Larry to view an Alfred Hitchcock film to gain some insight into plot development. He sees Strangers on a Train, in which two strangers conspire to commit a murder for each other, figuring their lack of connection to the victim will, in theory, establish a perfect alibi. Having overheard Larry's public rant that he wish his ex-wife dead, Owen forms a plan to kill Margaret, believing that Larry will respond by killing his mother.  He tracks Margaret down to Hawaii and follows her onto a cruise ship, apparently pushing her overboard while she tries to retrieve an earring that fell out. Owen returns from Hawaii to tell Larry of Margaret's death and that Larry now "owes" him the murder of his mother, lest he inform the police Larry was the killer. After having spent the night drinking alone during the hours of Margaret's disappearance, Larry panics because he lacks a sufficient alibi. That, along with a news report announcing the police suspect foul play, convinces Larry he's the prime suspect. He decides to stay with Owen and his mother in an attempt to hide from the police. Larry meets Mrs. Lift, but despite her harsh treatment of him he refuses to kill her. Eventually, when Mrs. Lift drives Owen to the breaking point, Larry finally relents and agrees to go through with the murder.  After two unsuccessful attempts, Larry flees the Lift home when Mrs. Lift recognizes him as a suspect from a news broadcast about his ex-wife's disappearance. He boards a train to Mexico and, surprisingly, Owen and Mrs. Lift come along so as to avoid having to lie for him. During the journey, Larry's patience with Mrs. Lift reaches its pinnacle when she impolitely gives him advice on writing. He follows her to the caboose with the intent of throwing her from the train, but stops short when she almost falls off on her own. Owen begins having second thoughts about having his mother killed and comes to help Larry rescue her. Mrs. Lift is grateful at her son for saving her, but unappreciative of Larry's help and kicks him, resulting in him losing his balance, landing on the tracks, and breaking his leg.  During his recovery in the hospital, Larry discovers Margaret is still alive; she simply fell overboard by accident and was rescued by a Polynesian fisherman whom she has decided to marry. Much to his annoyance, Larry learns Margaret plans to sell the rights of her ordeal for $1.5 million dollars. On the advice of a fellow patient, Larry chooses to free himself of his obsession with his ex-wife and instead focus on his own life, thereby freeing him of his writer's block.  A year later, Larry has finished a novel based on his experiences with Owen and Mrs. Lift entitled Throw Momma from the Train. Owen visits and informs him that his mother has died (of natural causes) and that he's going to New York City for the release of his own book. Unfortunately, Owen reveals his book is also about their experiences together. Thinking his book has been scooped, an enraged Larry proceeds to strangle him, but stops when Owen shows him the book is a children's pop-up book called, Momma, Owen, and Owen's Friend Larry with the story drastically altered to be suitable for children. Months later, Larry, Owen, and Larry's girlfriend Beth (Kim Greist) vacation together in Hawaii, reflecting on the final chapter of Larry's book. Larry and Owen's books have now become best-sellers, making them both successful writers as well as close friends.



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  • 1、请问哪个平台可以免费在线观看《谋害老妈》?
  • 星辰影院网友:在线观看地址
  • 2、《谋害老妈》是哪些演员主演的?
  • 网友:主演有Billy,Crystal,Danny,DeVito,Kim,Greist
  • 3、《谋害老妈》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?
  • 网友:1987年,详细日期也可以去百度百科查询。
  • 4、谋害老妈如果播放卡顿怎么办?
  • 百度贴吧网友:播放页面卡顿可以刷新网页或者更换播放源。
  • 5、手机版免费在线点播《谋害老妈》有哪些网站还有资源?
  • 网友:芒果TV爱奇艺优酷视频百度视频腾讯视频
  • 6、《谋害老妈》的评价:
  • Mtime时光网网友:比第一部好看,剧情不磨叽了,主要角色不拖后腿。第一次看到胡子拉碴的主角直接就爱了。谋害老妈电影懂得扬长避短,让声音做主角。省去没人想看的废话,省去没人想看的感情戏,一个火球交代了背景设定。一切以场景为中心来设计,而每个场景又都以声音为中心,咋呼、轻响、寂静形成节奏,然后一秒钟不多待就出字幕。很少有电影的音效师能感觉自己这么核心吧?
  • 豆瓣电影网友:《谋害老妈》这部作品真的太让人热血沸腾了!不管你是喜欢动作的还是喜欢剧情的,它都能让你一直跟随着情节的发展心情起伏。它既有精彩的打斗场面和惊险刺激的情节,也有深刻的人物刻画和感人的情感表达。虽然它可能并不是完美的,但它绝对是一部让你爱不释手的好作品,值得一看!
  • 腾讯视频网友:《谋害老妈》朋友看完后非常力荐让我也看看,我本来是不喜欢这种喜剧片类型的电影视频,我忍着看完一小段,越看越入迷,直到无法自拔......
  • 优酷视频网友:这部作品不仅仅是一个娱乐媒介,更是一个富有深度和内涵的艺术品。它通过深刻的剧情、出色的表演和精湛的制作,探讨了人性的复杂性和社会的种种问题。观众不仅可以从中感受到情感的冲击,更能够从中得到关于生命、人类、世界等方面的启示和思考。这部作品不仅可以带来短暂的娱乐,更能够对观众的人生产生深远的影响。
  • 爱奇艺网友:这部影片/剧集/动漫通过精湛的导演、演员和制作团队的努力,讲述了一个令人信服、引人入胜的故事。角色的刻画深刻而细致,场景设计和音乐也令人印象深刻。同时,它也提出了深刻的思考和探讨,使我深入思考人类的生活和内心世界。这是一部令人难忘、值得再看的佳作。
  • 百度视频网友:这部作品拥有令人难以置信的表现力和情感共鸣,它不仅令观众沉浸于一个引人入胜的故事世界中,还带来了深刻的思考和对人性的探索。演员们的表演令人信服,导演的镜头语言恰到好处,音乐的运用更是让人难以忘怀。总之,这是一部值得观赏和回味的作品。
  • 星辰影院网友:这是一部非常出色的作品,它有一个引人入胜的故事情节、深刻的角色描写以及精美的视觉效果。它成功地把观众带入了一个新的世界,让人们不断产生共鸣和情感上的投入。无论是作为一部电影、电视剧还是动漫,它都是值得一看的精彩之作。
  • 猫眼电影网友:这部影片真是太棒了!它不仅拥有精彩的故事情节和出色的演员表演,还有极富创意的视觉效果和音乐。我不仅一遍遍地看,还推荐给了我的家人和朋友。无论你喜欢哪一种类型的影片,这部作品都值得一看!
  • Bilibili网友:这部作品的叙事、角色、画面都相当出色,整体剧情紧凑,情节曲折,观众无法预料接下来的发展,让人看得非常过瘾。同时作品也深入探讨了人性、社会等议题,给人留下了深刻的印象。特别是动画画面非常精美,场景设定和角色设计都极具创意和魅力,加上配乐的点睛之笔,让整部作品更具震撼力和感染力。推荐给喜欢动漫、电影、电视剧和综艺的观众。
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